Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Originally uploaded by uppercaseyyc
This is a special room located in the Children's Department in Saskatoon Public Library, Canada. In this space children remove their boots and coats before entering "Pooh Corner" for storytime.
This is where my children listened and watched as the talented library staff performed their magic. We have many fond memories of this library!

1 comment:

tubetrain08 said...

Hi Twinkletoes, I just love Beatrix Potter and her stories. I have her pictorial biography and the complete set of the series "The Tale of....". I bought them for my daughter before she was even born. The Tale of Peter Rabbit series they use to show on the ABC of an afternoon had a beautiful theme song titled "A Perfect Day". There have been a few other recordings with the same name but I haven't been able to get hold of the original ABC one.